Calendars in Different Cultures (Interregnum)

Month Credix Borshall/N.S.
January Yanuar Enero
February Febuar Febrero
March Marz Marzo
April Aprul Abrilo
May Mai Mayo
June Juni Junio
July Juli Julio
August Auchust Agosto
September Zeptembar Septiembre
October Oktobar Octubre
November Novembar Voviembre
December Dezembar Deciembre

Duchy of Geled Calendar

The Geledi year is 1.3467 Terran years; this is 292 Geledi days (of 22.4 hours each). The year is divided into 16 months of 37 days each. Each month consists of six weeks (nyeedyeh) of six days each, plus an intercalary day (Prahznyeh) at the end of the month. Every so often, the 37th day of Zeemyahbr is dropped in a leap year.


  1. Yeenvahr
  2. Fyeevahr
  3. Vyeesyahbr
  4. Mahrt
  5. Ahpryehl
  6. Migh
  7. Lyehyahbr
  8. Iyon
  9. IIyul
  10. Ahvgoost
  11. Ossyahbr
  12. Syeentyahbr
  13. Ahktyahbr
  14. Nahyahbr
  15. Zeemyahbr
  16. Dyeekyahbr

Geledi Perpetual Monthly Calendar:

Senkyeh Mahnyeh Tarehyeh Vrenzyeh Geletyeh Soobtayeh (Prahznyeh)
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37

copyright © 2003, Don Sakers

All rights reserved