Presidents of the Patalanian Union

In theory, the Presidency of the Patalanian Union was an elective position, voted on by the populace and confirmed by the Presidium. In practice, a reigning President kept the position for life, or until deposed by a rival faction.

304 - 310 Kasia Lady Contenau
310 - 340 Jakubek Contenau (son)
340 - 351 Kolya Masilek
351 - 369 Laruka Masilek (sister)
369 - 372 Sashenka Masilek (son)
372 - 378 Michak Masilek (cousin)
378 - 384 Bronislaw Masilek (uncle)
384 - 420 Pola Masilek (cousin)
420 - 454 Yekaterina Masilek (cousin)
454 - 472 Inigo Masilek (son)
472 - 480 Naska Masilek (daughter)


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