Native American Interest
Related Genres
Native American Westerns
Authors & Titles
- Alexie, Sherman: Indian Killer

- Alexie, Sherman: The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven

- Alexie, Sherman: Reservation Blues

- Alexie, Sherman: Ten Little Indians

- Alexie, Sherman: The Toughest Indian in the World

- Beverly-Whittemore, Miranda: Set Me Free

- Bittner, Roseanne: Lakota series
- Mystic Dreamers

- Mystic Visions

- Mystic Warriors

- Bittner, Rosanne: America West series (aka The Long Hunters series)
- Into the Wilderness

- Into the Valley

- Black, Michelle: An Uncommon Enemy

- Blake, Michael: Dances With Wolves series
- Dances With Wolves

- The Holy Road

- Blevins, Win: Stone Song

- Blevins, Win: RavenShadow

- Bowie, Phil: Guns

- Boyden, Joseph: Three Day Road

- Caputo, Philip: Indian Country

- Chiaventone, Frederick J.: Moon of Bitter Cold

- Clayton, Paul: Calling Crow series
- Calling Crow

- Flight of the Crow

- Calling Crow Nation

- Coldsmith, Don: Spanish Bit series
- Trail of the Spanish Bit

- Buffalo Medicine

- The Elk Dog Heritage

- Follow the Wind

- Man of the Shadows

- Daughter of the Eagle

- Moon of Thunder

- The Sacred Hills

- Pale Star

- River of Swans

- Return to the River

- The Medicine Knife

- The Flower in the Mountains

- Trail from Taos

- Song of the Rock

- Fort de Chastaigne

- Quest for the White Bull

- Return of the Spanish

- Bride of the Morning Star

- Walks in the Sun

- Thunderstick

- Track of the Bear

- Child of the Dead

- Bearer of the Pipe

- Medicine Hat

- The Changing Wind

- The Traveler

- World of Silence

- The Lost Band

- Coldsmith, Don: The Long Journey Home

- Cole, David: Laura Winslow series
- Butterfly Lost

- The Killing Maze

- Stalking Moon

- Scorpion Rain

- Dragonfly Bones

- Shadow Play

- Falling Down

- Conley, Robert J.: Cherokee Dragon

- Conley, Robert J.: Mountain Windsong

- Conley, Robert J.: Sequoyah

- Conley, Robert J.: War Woman

- Cook, David Fuller: Reservation Nation

- Crummey, Michael: River Thieves

- Crutcher, Chris: The Deep End

- D'Amato, Barbara: Help Me Please

- Dugan, Bill: Chief Joseph

- Dugan, Bill: Sitting Bull

- Eickhoff, Randy Lee: Then Came Christmas

- Erdrich, Louise: Kashpaw/Lamartine series
- Love Medicine

- The Beet Queen

- Tracks

- The Bingo Palace

- The Blue Jay's Dance

- The Antelope Wife

- The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse

- Four Souls

- Erdrich, Louise: The Master Butchers Singing Club

- Erdrich, Louise: The Plague of Doves

- Freedman, Benedict & Nancy: Mrs. Mike series
- Mrs. Mike

- The Search for Joyful

- Garcia y Robertson, Rodrigo: American Woman

- Gear, W. Michael & Kathleen O'Neal: Contact: The Battle for America series

- Coming of the Storm

- Gear, W. Michael: Heals Like a Willow series
- The Morning River

- Coyote Summer

- Glancy, Diane: Pushing the Bear

- Gordon, Noah: Shaman

- Hall, James W.: Forests of the Night

- Harris, Marilyn: Hatter Fox

- Henry, Will: The Last Warpath

- Hillerman, Tony: Jim Chee & Joe Leaphorn series
- The Blessing Way

- Dance Hall of the Dead

- Listening Woman

- People of Darkness

- The Dark Wind

- The Ghostway

- Skinwalkers

- A Thief of Time

- Talking God

- Coyote Waits

- Sacred Clowns

- The Fallen Man

- The First Eagle

- Hunting Badger

- The Wailing Wind

- The Sinister Pig

- Skeleton Man

- The Shape Shifter

- Hockenberry, John: A River Out of Eden

- House, Silas: A Parchment of Leaves

- Hudson, Joyce Rockwood: Apalachee

- Jekel, Pamela: River Without End

- Johnson, Wayne: Don't Think Twice

- Johnston, Terry C.: Plainsmen series
- Sioux Dawn

- Red Cloud's Revenge

- The Stalkers

- Black Sun

- Devil's Backbone

- Shadow Riders

- Dying Thunder

- Blood Song

- Reap the Whirlwind

- Trumpet on the Land

- A Cold Day in Hell

- Wolf Mountain Moon

- Ashes of Heaven

- Cries From the Earth

- Lay the Mountains Low

- Jones, Stephen Graham: All the Beautiful Sinners

- Karlin, Wayne: The Wished-For Country

- Kersey, Colin: Soul Catcher

- Kingsolver, Barbara: The Bean Trees

- Larsen, Deborah: The White

- London, David: Sun Dancer

- Martin, Larry Jay: Sounding Drum

- Meyers, Kent: The Work of Wolves

- Moss, Robert: Fire Along the Sky

- Moss, Robert: The Firekeeper

- Moss, Robert: The Interpreter

- Munn, Vella: Seminole Song

- Munn, Vella: Soul of the Sacred Earth

- Munn, Vella: Spirit of the Eagle

- O'Brien, Dan: Valentine McGillycuddy series

- The Contract Surgeon

- The Indian Agent

- O'Reilly, Jackson (pseudonym of Robert Jordan): Cheyenne Raiders

- Perry, Thomas: Jane Whitefield series
- Vanishing Act

- Dance for the Dead

- Shadow Woman

- The Face Changers

- Blood Money

- Runner

- Porter, Melinda Camber: Badlands

- Robbins, Judith Redman: Chaco Canyon series
- Sun Priestess

- Coyote Woman

- Moon Fire

- Robinson, Eden: Monkey Beach

- Robson, Lucia St. Clair: Light a Distant Fire

- Robson, Lucia St. Clair: Walk in My Soul

- Ruvinsky, Morrie: Dream Keeper

- Skarie, Heidi: Red Willow's Quest

- Skimin, Robert: Apache Autumn

- Thom, James Alexander: Panther in the Sky

- Thom, James Alexander: Sign-Talker

- Thom, James Alexander & Dark Rain: Warrior Woman

- Treuer, David: Little

- Treuer, David: The Translation of Dr. Apelles

- Udall, Brady: The Miracle Life of Edgar Mint

- Waldo, Anna Lee: Madoc series
- Circle of Stones

- Circle of Stars

- Welch, James: The Heartsong of Charging Elk

- Welch, James: The Indian Lawyer

- Wilkinson, David Marion: Oblivion's Altar

- Woiwode, Larry: Indian Affairs

- Wolfe, Swain: The Lake Dreams the Sky

- Wolfe, Swain: The Parrot Trainer

- Wood, Barbara: Sacred Ground

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updated: Monday, March 15, 2010